Calm in the Wild
The Star 6 Ranch is a place that welcomes youth, families, individuals and communities, to reconnect with the rhythms of our natural world.
Through our land-based programs, equine connections and community partnerships, we hold space for individuals to embark on journeys of self-discovery, healing, resiliency-building and growth.
Reconnecting in meaningful ways with land, community and self, guides people of all ages to hone their inner compasses, unearth their authentic selves, and discover that everything we need to thrive lies within.
Connecting with the Land
The Star 6 Ranch is guardian of 80 acres of grasslands, meadows, forests and riparian areas. It is surrounded by wild and protected parklands, with the Kananaskis River running its eastern border.
Regenerative agriculture processes allow us to reciprocate the gifts that the land shares with us. Through our mindful operations, careful management of our herd and rotational grazing strategies, we aim to support Mother Nature in rejuvenating the soil and improving the health of our diverse ecosystems.
We share our love for the beauty and solitude of this sacred place with our growing community and those seeking connection with the natural world: the brightness of stars at night, the feel of hands in rich soil, the grounding presence of animals, and the assurance that day comes after night.
We nurture a growing community, to which we all belong, by reconnecting with Mother Earth and honouring our wild places.
Our Guiding Stars
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Be Stewards of the Land
Create Environments for Learning
Nurture Community & Relationships
Support Self-Discovery and Healing
Ranch camps and youth programming provide young people with the opportunity to learn, grow, work, and play.
We are creating an environment to support growth and development for horse, rider, and teacher. Equine workshops, training, and competitions launching in 2021.
Our goal is to create a foundation to support youth and community.
Spaces to support learning and community through meetings, events, workshops, seminars, team-building, celebrations, and gatherings.